Welcome. This page
is an introduction to the "fashion" section of my
web-book, here you can read about some background to my work
in this area.
My first steps in this area of photography came about a bit
sooner than I had intended. I was interested in fashion but
not quite sure how to approach it, and it was probably because
of this that I began 'hanging' with students from the Studio
Bercot fashion school. I brought up the subject of getting into
fashion with the school's director, Mme Rucki, and when I expressed
my doubts about being able to approach fashion photography
'seriously' (in finding models, makeup and such) she answered: "there
were many young people (in her school) who would be more
than willing to model their clothes (for me)".
Lesson learned, I began to concentrate on what I wanted to
say through experimentation and creativity before I got
to the technique. After a few impromptu experimental shootings,
some with quite enlightening results, it was much to my surprise
that one of the creators whose work I
had shot six months earlier called to tell me that the
Japanese magazine 'Ryuko Tsushin' would be publishing our work.
Though at first sober, my fashion photography began to sway
towards increasingly 'expressive situations' which eventually
resulted in a 'photo roman' style. It was great fun and I
still use that techninque from time to time if I have the
pages and the budget, but nowadays I try to concentrate as
much of that story energy as I can into the styling of one
scene. Though I rarely have felt an urge to use a studio,
I do love to transform a given 'outside' setting into one.
If you find my work of interest to you and would like something
of a similar style for yourself or your creations, you can
contact me through the envelope you will see in the lower right
of your screen. But first, to continue through to my portfolio,
please click either on 'index' below or the big 'jm-schomburg'
heading above. And please, have a nice visit. |