
Welcome to the text introduction to the "Pending Publications" section of my web-portfolio. Below you will find a brief outline of and background to what you will find within.

History has always been my biggest hobby, but since I arrived in Paris in 1989, it grew into an obsession. Though I love the Paris city centre, I became increasingly drawn over the years to the darker industrial districts and the city outskirts.

History wasn't so clean there: there was still substance clinging to its bones. My first expositions were of the degrading Belleville and St-Ouen districts, and later explorations turned to the older divisions of the of Père Lachaise cemetary. It was around then I got 'into fashion' and left my expositioins to the side, but around 1997 I discovered the catacombes. Another exposition, this time in the Flèche d'Or Café, a former station of a railway running a ring around Paris - a railway that was still in existence but in a state of abandon since 1934. Again curious, I set out to photograph it with my friend and Ceinture connaisseur Serguei Fillipov.
Near a thousand photos and three hundred pages of text on the history of the lesser-known outer regions of the capital, "Paris Autour de la Petite Ceinture" (Paris around it's 'Petite Ceinture') is not yet a book, as its subject is deemed 'difficult' to the major profit-before-trade editing houses. On a more positive note, that project gave birth to another: a rather fun "Ceinture promenade" booklet involving satellite photography and street maps. Both the book and the booklet are "Pending Projects" section of my portfolio.

To proceed to my portfolio, please click on either the 'index' below or the 'jm-schomburg' heading above. If you would like to go straight to the abovementioned works, you should choose 'Tome III - Pending Publications' from the 'Contents' page. Though I haven't found an editor I'm still interested in one. If you would like to contact me about that or anything you have in mind about Parisian history you can contact me through the envelope you will see in the lower right of your screen. But for now, no matter your trade, please have a pleasant stay.