Welcome to the "Graphic Design" section
of my web-portfolio. Below you will find a brief outline of
and background to what you will find within.
I'm not sure what it was that sparked me to get into the graphic
arts, but I was already doing a brisk business painting jean-jackets
at age fourteen. I felt obliged to chose architecture as a
'serious' study instead of 'all that art stuff', but something
kept drawing me back to the less technical world of design. I
ended up dropping architecture altogether when I went to work
as a graphic arts/photographry apprentice in 1986, and was running
my own graphic design business before a year later.
My light table and x-acto knife from those years eventually
gave way to my first Macintosh SE, Mac IIfx, and the first
versions of Freehand, QuarkXpress and Illustrator. I should
note here that, though I've been using all the latest technology
ever since the dawn of the 'computer age', I still do my layouts
by hand before sitting down in front of any screen. Paper and
sketches for me best captures, expresses and preserves my imagining
something someone else will see; Secondly, that way I have
a reference to show the idea and carry it through the often
idea-diluting computer layout techiniques and limitations.
In my opinion, technology is a means to an end but not the
end in itself. I hope it shows.
To see some of what I've done in the graphic arts, please
click on either the 'index' below or the 'jm-schomburg' heading
above, then choose 'graphic design' once you get to the 'Contents'
page. If there is something you would like
to contact me about, you can do so through the envelope you
will see in the lower right of your screen. But for now, I
wish you a pleasant visit. |